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Dana means pearl in Arabic. Dana Venture is different, dedicated and dynamic.

Every pearl is unique, and so are we. We are different from other firms because we truly value the passion that you manifest for your business. Your passion and commitment to your business makes the difference between success and failure. When we work with you, we add the other ingredients to this to help you achieve your vision and mature your business to fruitation. For our investors we are different because we know that if you wanted normal returns for your money, you could possibly acheive these without our help. We are different because we help you realise abnormal returns.

We are dedicated because we only take on a handful of projects at a given time. Dedication is a part of passion, and once we decide to work with you, we would like to be as passionate about your business as you are. If we feel that we cant be as passionate, then we will not work with you. For our investors, our dedication is instrumental in being successful in what we do.

We are dynamic because in a fast moving world, there is no other way to truly succeed. We realize that at any moment in time, disruptive technology/product and/or regulation can change your business forever. We help you to stay on your toes, ready to respond as best as you can to these changes. Seasoned investors appreciate the value of response time, and the rewards that this brings.


Khober, Sliver Towe, Saudi Arabia